2024 DATES! December 6-8 December 13-15 6:00-9:00 PM nightly

Interested in Supporting
The Live Nativity Experience?
We Start Building in September!
Join us onsite from 9 AM to 12:00 PM on the following dates:
September 7 | September 14 | September 21 | September 28
For more information contact Randall Dockery (randall.dockery@stmaryschurch.net)

Live Nativity Experience of Camden
Board of Directors
Dean Slusser, Chair
Screven/Odum Methodist Church
Randall Dockery, Vice-Chair
St. Marys Church
Brad Tippins, Secretary/Treasurer
Kingsland First Methodist Church
Brian Anderson
Agape Church
Rick Arreola
Hidden Treasures Assembly of God
Mike Roddy
Awakening Church
Amy Wright
Church of Eleven22
Several years ago, God placed a burden and vision in the heart of an individual to bring the birth and story of Christ to life in a unique way in Camden County.
So the task of creating an authentic, realistic presentation of the gospel during the Christmas Season began.
In 2010, with very little time, no money, no animals, no property and very few people, the task seemed overwhelming and all but impossible.
However; through lots of prayer, persistent efforts, hard work and the generosity of many businesses and individuals with their funds, materials, animals and property, the event became a reality that year and was named “The Live Nativity Experience, A live walk through”
It presents an approximate 45 min. walk through presentation of the various scenes leading up to the birth of Christ and beyond to the empty tomb. Of course dealing with a full outdoor set and drama with live animals and uncertain weather definitely has its challenges and we were not exempt from experiencing them.
That first year we faced many hurdles and miss-haps. Some comical and some…..well, not so much so. We were rained out two of the 6 nights scheduled. We had a sheep escape and roam Kingsland for several weeks before being caught. We had a fire break out in the field, a horse escape from the manger that ended up at the Christmas tree lot, a soldier fall from a horse with a concussion and a person get bucked on a camel, just to mention a few. What fun times!!!
That first year also saw approximately 3,000 people come through on the journey to Bethlehem and beyond with many of those making life changing decisions for Christ!!! Praise be to our Mighty God!
The event has grown with each of the three presentations since its start in 2010. We added and made changes to the sets and dramas. More and more people came through the event each year and hundreds came to know Christ.
This year will be our 5th year of “The Live Nativity Experience” and we expect our largest crowds yet to come. We plan to expand even more for this years’ presentation and hope to make it our largest and best yet. Please come join us this year as we travel back through Biblical history on a journey of the birth and life of Jesus our Savior.
The goals of the 2024 Live Nativity Experience are...
1. To bring the the Christian community in Camden County together in a common effort to praise Him and tell His Story.
2. To reach others in our community, that they might learn the story of salvation in the gift of the Christ child, and come to know Christ as we know Christ.
3. To promote spiritual and economic growth as we reach beyond the boundaries of our community by making the Live Nativity Experience, Camden a destination event.
If you have ever been to one of our Live Nativities, you know it is a miraculous experience where God brings his people together from every walk of life to tell His story. We need volunteers of all kinds to make it happen!
If you are interested in joining us on this adventure, please click here to complete our 2024 Volunteer Survey. By early-to-mid May, we will be in touch about information meetings and activity schedules as we move forward.
Completing the survey does not obligate you to anything - it simply tells us that you might be interested in taking part in this year's event.
We covet your prayers as we pray to discern God's will for our community, our ministry, and our lives, and we thank you for considering The Live Nativity Experience, Camden as a project where you might contribute your time and talents.
In His Love,
The Live Nativity Experience Leadership Team
There are many ways to make financial donations to Live Nativity.
The following is a list of ways for you to bless LNE.
We have a Paypal set up for Fundraiser Donations (processing fees apply)
Send a check to LNE c/o ST. MARYS CHURCH 101 PINE ST ST MARYS, GA 31558
Set up LNE as a Payee in your Web Bill pay through your personal bank utilizing the mailing address above. (FREE)
If your church is a participating ministry with LNE please check with your church to see how they are handling LNE donations.